NECC 2007 Reflections

It came and now it’s gone. So what do we take back from these few days? Even as a virtual attendee, going to NECC meant following the conference Web 2.0 style. I just don’t get any jet lag. 🙂 So, what did I take back (to my RSS for reading, back to my classroom for practical application)? There are two levels in learning for me. I need to consume this new knowledge as a learner first. How does it add to my knowledge base? I can respond directly to the author or I can blog about it. Both add to my understanding. I then need to find a way to apply it in my teaching. If I am able to do both of my 10 percent, I’ve met my goal. I added a new category in my bloglines, (thanks to the uniform tagging system) NECC Bloggers; over 35 new bloggers and I added a few more bloggers to my superstar folder and educational technology that I had read but not added. My task this summer is to read these blogs and add my reflections. I really like what Bob Sprankle did last year with K12online. It seems that the unconference was just as important or some cases more than the conference sessions. The conference started with Edublogger Con. The Bloggers Cafe was a big hit. Twitter redefined “what are you doing?” It was interesting how others brought in skype chat. And of course, there were the pictures. I bet in the days to come others will publish podcasts and the like. I think NECC 2007 will reshape what a conference should be.

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One Comment on “NECC 2007 Reflections”

  1. Kevin H. Says:

    Thanks for sharing.
    What was the Blogger’s Cafe?
    I see a lot of people talking about it from afar (blog comments stuck in my Bloglines like fish in a net) but I didn’t quite know what it was.

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